Cooper's Legacy Foundation wants to help as many families with sick and/or injured pets as possible. In order to streamline our process we have developed a set of criteria to assist the public and potential applicants in understanding what we can do and what we are unable to do. If you are a potential applicant please review these criteria carefully. If your situation meets the criteria outlined then we encourage you to fill out and submit the electronic application using the link below. Please call us with any questions, if you need a paper application, or if you don't hear from us within 48 hours of submitting your electronic application at 509-332-2277. We reserve the right to alter the criteria and/or application at any time without notice to meet the needs of the organization.
Only families living in Washington or Idaho are eligible for assistance.
We are not equipped to handle emergency situations.
We only assist with treatment for companion dogs and cats.
We will only assist families whose pets need treatment. We cannot assist foster care organizations, animal shelters, or rescue organizations with the treatment of pets in their custody.
If the pet had the condition before it joined the family and the family knew about it when they acquired the pet we cannot assist the family with expenses.
Treatment must be completed in Whitman or Latah County with a vet of the family’s choosing. Referrals to specialists for services not available in Whitman or Latah County will be considered on a case by case basis. We will not pay for spay/neuters, initial exams, vaccinations, or for non-veterinary services.
We cannot pay for diagnostic testing.
Treatment must have a beginning and an end. We cannot pay to treat chronic illnesses such as diabetes or kidney disease.
Treatment must be curative or restore, beyond any unforeseeable circumstances, a reasonable life span to the pet. We won't pay for palliative or end of life treatments.
The pet must be up to date on vaccinations and if your city/county requires it your pet must be licensed.
You will need to provide proof of declination from Care Credit or similar credit card company.